Crown of joy International ministries
The redeemed of the Lord will return and enter Zion with singing, crowned with everlasting joy. Gladness and joy will overtake them, and sorrow and sighing will flee. Isaiah 35:10 BSB
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Welcome to
Crown of Joy!
A Spiritual Retreat Center for those who need rest, restoration, and redemption.
Ebony Griffin
Ebony is a born again and Holy Spirit filled Christian. She walks in the office of teacher, prayer intercessor, and prophetic dreamer. She is a public speaker and the author of Prayer Care: 7 Stress Less Steps During the Covid19 Crisis. She founded Crown of Joy International Ministries in 2023 to support parents, high risk youth, and adults in crisis through Christ-centered and trauma informed services. Ebony is leading a movement of individuals to return to their redeemed status!
Who Are We?
We ARE The Redeemed.
Through teaching and support services, we assist youth and adults with the tools and outlets needed to experience a joy-filled life outside of abuse, exploitation, and abandonment.
A Safe Space Where Jesus Christ Transform Lives Through Biblical Teaching, Relationship Building, and Christ-Centered Care.
We believe true identities are found only in Jesus Christ.
Each person is equipped with a clear mission and tools needed for divine success.
Scars are more than physical. Heal from painful memories through one-on-one mental care and discipleship ministry.
Raising Up Generations Empowered by The Holy Spirit to be Carriers of Restoration, Hope, and Joy.
Mission Video
What We Do
Discipleship Retreat Center
Small Groups
Spiritual Conflict Resolution
Men and Women’s Bible Study
Spiritual Counseling
Youth Mentoring
Circle of Friends
One God, who exists in three persons - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
The Bible is the inspired revelation of God and the final authority.
Jesus is the first begotten son, the Word made flesh. He was born of a virgin. He became man and was without sin. He died in place for sinners and rose from the dead to redeem this fallen world and through his atoning blood became a Mediator between God and man. By accepting Jesus Christ as your Savior, you have access to the Father, receive forgiveness, and eternal life.
Salvation is a personal relationship with God through the blood of Jesus (to be Born Again).
Holy Spirit dwells in the lives of those who receive Him. Holy Spirit is co-equal with God the Father and the Son; through Him a person is regenerated and transformed into the likeness of Christ.
The Joy of the Lord is Our Strength
Nehemiah 8:10
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Contact US
Mailing Address
3213 Duke St.#226, Alexandria, VA, 22314
Email Address
Phone Number
(571) 312 1424